このサイトは Haskell の静的サイトジェネレーター Hakyll を使っており,古いパッケージ(Hakyll とは関係ない)を使ってた関係で,かなり古い LTS を使ってた(lts-6.20). サイトを作ってから約1年経ち,Haskell力(というか stack 力)も上がり,別に古い LTS を使わずとも stack.yaml をいじればなんとかなるというのが分かり,ずっと最新のに上げたいなぁと思っていた.

で,今回はいっそのこと最近リリースされた GHC8.2 用の resolver で,なんとかビルドしてみようかなと思ったわけです.


GHC8.2 系の Stackage resolver

3週間ほど前に GHC8.2.1 が遂にリリースされ,それに伴い,10日ほど前に StackageGHC8.2 対応の resolver がリリースされた. まだリリースされたばかりで,Hakyll を含め,いろんなパッケージが除外されている.

なので,この resolver で Hakyll のサイトをビルドするには三手間ぐらい必要だった.

stack.yaml をいじる

基本的には stack.yaml をいじるだけで良い(??).

extra-deps を書き換えていく

試しに stack.yaml の resolver を nightly-2017-08-10 にして stack build してみると次のように出る.

$ stack build

Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:

In the dependencies for site-
    hakyll must match -any, but the stack configuration has no specified version (latest applicable is
    yaml-light must match -any, but the stack configuration has no specified version (latest applicable is 0.1.4)
needed since site- is a build target.

Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps in C:\Users\hoge\matsubara0507.github.io\stack.yaml:
- hakyll-
- yaml-light-0.1.4

You may also want to try the 'stack solver' command
Plan construction failed.

hakyllyaml-light が無いと言われる. ので,素直にエラーメッセージ通り,stack.yamlextra-deps に2つのパッケージを書き加えてやる.

$ stack build

Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:

In the dependencies for hakyll-
    pandoc must match >=1.14 && <1.20, but the stack configuration has no specified version
           (latest applicable is
    pandoc-citeproc must match >=0.10.5 && <0.11, but the stack configuration has no specified version
                    (latest applicable is
    process- must match >=1.0 && <1.6 (latest applicable is
    time- must match >=1.4 && <1.8 (latest applicable is
needed due to site- -> hakyll-

In the dependencies for yaml-light-0.1.4:
    HsSyck must match -any, but the stack configuration has no specified version (latest applicable is 0.53)
needed due to site- -> yaml-light-0.1.4

Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps in C:\Users\hoge\matsubara0507.github.io\stack.yaml:
- HsSyck-0.53
- pandoc-
- pandoc-citeproc-

You may also want to try the 'stack solver' command
Plan construction failed.


$ stack build
Unable to parse cabal file for haddock-library-1.4.5: FromString "This package requires at least Cabal version 2.0" Nothing

うーん,これはよくわからない. てっきり,Cabal を 2.0 以上にすればよいのかと思い,それに対応した stack-1.5.1 にあげればうまくいくのだと思ったのだが,うまくいかなかった. なので,問題が起きない haddock-library-1.4.3 を使うことにした.

ちなみに,nightly-2017-08-10 を使うだけで以下のような同様のエラーが出たが,これは stack-1.5.1 にするだけでうまくいった(haskell-jp で igrep さんに教えてもらった!感謝!!).

$ stack build
Unable to parse cabal file: FromString "This package requires at least Cabal version 2.0" Nothing


$ stack build

Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:

In the dependencies for hakyll-
    process- must match >=1.0 && <1.6 (latest applicable is
    time- must match >=1.4 && <1.8 (latest applicable is
needed due to site- -> hakyll-

In the dependencies for pandoc-
    hslua-0.6.0 must match >=0.3 && <0.5 (latest applicable is 0.4.1)
    process- must match >=1 && <1.5 (latest applicable is
    skylighting- must match >= && <0.2 (latest applicable is
    time- must match >=1.5 && <1.7 (latest applicable is
needed due to site- -> pandoc-

Plan construction failed.


- time-
- skylighting-
- process-
- hslua-0.4.1

Pandoc 2.0 を使う


pandoc- configure
Progress: 1/4
--  While building package pandoc- using:
    Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
    Logs have been written to: C:\Users\hoge\matsubara0507.github.io\.stack-work\logs\pandoc-

    [1 of 2] Compiling Main

    C:\Users\hoge\AppData\Local\Temp\stack2412\pandoc-\Setup.hs:42:3: error:
        • Couldn't match expected type ‘ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                                        -> PreProcessor’
                      with actual type ‘PreProcessor’
        • In the expression:
              {platformIndependent = True,
               runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
                                   $ \ infile outfile verbosity
                                       -> do let ...
          In the expression:
            \ _ lbi
              -> PreProcessor
                   {platformIndependent = True,
                    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
                                        $ \ infile outfile verbosity -> ...}
          In the expression:
             \ _ lbi
               -> PreProcessor
                    {platformIndependent = True,
                     runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
                                         $ \ infile outfile verbosity -> ...})
    42 |   PreProcessor {
       |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

    C:\Users\hoge\AppData\Local\Temp\stack2412\pandoc-\Setup.hs:45:39: error:
        Data constructor not in scope: FlagName :: [Char] -> FlagName
    45 |       do let embedData = case lookup (FlagName "embed_data_files")
       |                                       ^^^^^^^^

これは Cabal-2.0 で変わった仕様によるエラーだ. 最新の pandoc-2.0なら直っているので,個別にクローンする設定にする.

- '.'
- location:
    git: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
    commit: f4bff5d3599d0b6874c6b6604fb11016f8e038a9
  extra-dep: true

stack.yaml をこう書き換えてビルドする.

$ stack build

Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:

In the dependencies for pandoc-2.0:
    cmark-gfm must match >=0.1.1 && <0.2, but the stack configuration has no specified version
              (latest applicable is 0.1.3)
    skylighting- must match >=0.3.3 && <0.4 (latest applicable is
needed due to site- -> pandoc-2.0

Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps in C:\Users\hoge\matsubara0507.github.io\stack.yaml:
- cmark-gfm-0.1.3

You may also want to try the 'stack solver' command
Plan construction failed.

pandoc-2.0 では skylighting の PVP を変えたようだので extra-deps から外し,代わりに cmark-gfm-0.1.3 を書き加える.

Fork して書き換える

$ stack build

Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:

In the dependencies for hakyll-
    pandoc-2.0 must match >=1.14 && <1.20 (latest applicable is
needed due to site- -> hakyll-

Plan construction failed.

hakyll がそもそも pandoc-2.0 に対応していないようだ. 割とここからが大変. というのも pandoc-2.0 はまぁまぁ仕様が変わっているので,PVP をいじるだけではうまくビルドできない. 幸いにも,pandoc-2.0 に対応させた fork があったので,これを参考に書き直した. ついでに,time パッケージと process パッケージの PVP も書き直す.

それらの書き換えを自分の fork で行いプッシュして,それをクローンするように stack.yaml を書き加えた.

- '.'
- location:
    git: https://github.com/matsubara0507/hakyll
    commit: 4c2c499213750d622250f8277533eafb5ec1dc94
  extra-dep: true
- location:
    git: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
    commit: f4bff5d3599d0b6874c6b6604fb11016f8e038a9
  extra-dep: true

これでビルドすると pandoc-citeproc が怒られる.

pandoc-citeproc- configure
Progress: 2/4
--  While building package pandoc-citeproc- using:
    Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
    Logs have been written to: C:\Users\hoge\matsubara0507.github.io\.stack-work\logs\pandoc-citeproc-

    [1 of 2] Compiling Main
    C:\Users\hoge\AppData\Local\Temp\stack13296\pandoc-citeproc-\Setup.hs:38:3: error:
         Couldn't match expected type ‘ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                                        -> PreProcessor’
                      with actual type ‘PreProcessor’
        • In the expression:
              {platformIndependent = True,
               runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
                                   $ \ infile outfile verbosity
                                       -> do info verbosity
                                               $ "Preprocessing " ++ infile ++ " to " ++ outfile
          In the expression:
            \ _ _
              -> PreProcessor
                   {platformIndependent = True,
                    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
                                        $ \ infile outfile verbosity -> ...}
          In the expression:
             \ _ _
               -> PreProcessor
                    {platformIndependent = True,
                     runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
                                         $ \ infile outfile verbosity -> ...})
    38 |   PreProcessor {
       |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

これも Cabal-2.0 の影響だ. なので,pandoc-citeproc パッケージも fork して直してプッシュしてそれをクローンする.

- '.'
- location:
    git: https://github.com/matsubara0507/hakyll
    commit: 4c2c499213750d622250f8277533eafb5ec1dc94
  extra-dep: true
- location:
    git: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
    commit: f4bff5d3599d0b6874c6b6604fb11016f8e038a9
  extra-dep: true
- location:
      git: https://github.com/matsubara0507/pandoc-citeproc.git
      commit: 2a232dd33eb42ba73653a9661288a0026179c50f
  extra-dep: true


多少整理して最終的に stack.yaml はこんな風になった.

resolver: nightly-2017-08-10

- '.'
- location:
    git: https://github.com/matsubara0507/hakyll
    commit: 4c2c499213750d622250f8277533eafb5ec1dc94
  extra-dep: true
- location:
    git: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
    commit: f4bff5d3599d0b6874c6b6604fb11016f8e038a9
  extra-dep: true
- location:
      git: https://github.com/matsubara0507/pandoc-citeproc.git
      commit: 2a232dd33eb42ba73653a9661288a0026179c50f
  extra-dep: true

- cmark-gfm-0.1.3
- haddock-library-1.4.3
- hs-bibutils-5.5
- hslua-0.5.0
- HsSyck-0.53
- rfc5051-
- yaml-light-0.1.4

flags: {}

extra-package-dbs: []


これで GHC8.2 の LTS が出てもすぐに対応できるね!(たぶん)